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Learning and Technology Framework Policy


Technology plays a very important role in our classrooms. This Framework is Alberta Education's guide to ensuring that students have access to new and innovative technology in the classroom.  The goal of this initiative is to develop student-centered learning communities and access to new and innovative technology in the classroom.

Inspiring Education


Inspiring Education is Alberta Education's primary educational initiative. The vision of this initiative is to build a community of engaged and ethical citizens who embrace an entrepreneurial spirit.  Communities and schools are key partners in Education. Their joint interest in encouraging student success will develop life-long learning skills essential to life after the school years.

My Child's Learning:

A Parent Resource


For information on your child's K-12 curricular outcomes, please consult this resource. It is organized by grade and subject, making information on your child's education very easy to retrieve.  Each subject category indicates the curricular outcomes, how your child is being assessed as well as helpful resources to practice skills.

Literacy and Numeracy


Literacy and numeracy skills are the foundation for learning success.  These skills are the foundation of Alberta Education's initiative Inspiring Education. Curriculum redesign as well as the guiding vision of Alberta Education initiatives are built on the integration of these skills across subject domains. 

Curriculum Redesign


As part of the vision held by Inspiring Education, Alberta Education is developing a redesigned K-12 curriculum with focus on literacy and numeracy skills across subject domains. The goal is to create a curriculum based on foundational benchmarks which will assist educators in addressing individual student needs in the classroom. 



Alberta Education


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